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👷 Background Jobs

Some actions need to run continuously, such as running the API or syncing pipes in a loop. Rather than relying on systemd or cron, you can use the built-in jobs system.

👔 Jobs

All Meerschaum actions may be executed as background jobs by adding -d or --daemon flags or by prefacing the command with start job. New jobs will be given random names, and you can choose to specify a label with --name.

mrsm sync pipes -c plugin:foo --loop -d

Starting Jobs

Start a previous job by typing its name after start job[s]:

mrsm start job awake_sushi -y

Stopping Jobs

Stop a running job with stop job[s]:

mrsm stop job awake_sushi -y

You can stop and remove a job with delete job[s]:

mrsm delete job awake_sushi -y

⏲️ Schedules

As of Meerschaum v2.2.0, scheduling is handled by the library APScheduler rather than Rocketry.

You can run any command regularly with the flag -s or --schedule ― for example, -s hourly will execute the command once per hour. Below are the supported intervals:

every N [seconds | minutes | hours | days | weeks | months | years]

As shorthand, the following [unit]ly aliases correspond to every 1 [unit]:

  • secondly
  • minutely
  • hourly
  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly
  • yearly

Add the --schedule flag to any Meerschaum command, and it will run forever according to your schedule. This pairs really well with --daemon:

mrsm sync pipes -s 'every 30 minutes' -d
mrsm sync pipes -s 'hourly' -d
mrsm sync pipes -s 'daily starting 00:00' -d

Start Time

Append the phrase starting [time] to a schedule to set the reference point. If the starting time is in the past, the schedule will also fire immediately.

Tip: Add tomorrow to keep a job from immediately firing.

If you are creating long-running jobs that run at night, add tomorrow to your start time so that the job does not immediately fire (e.g. daily starting tomorrow 10:00).

Schedule Description
hourly starting 00:30 Fire every hour on the 30th minute.
daily starting tomorrow 00:30 Beginning at 30 minutes past midnight UTC, fire daily.
weekly starting Monday at 12:15 PM Fire every week on Monday at 12:15 PM.
monthly starting 2nd Fire once at 00:00 UTC on the second day of the month (will fire immediately if the current day is greater than 2).
every 10 seconds starting 2024-01-01 Relative to the first second of 2024 (UTC), fire every 10 seconds.
yearly starting 2025-07-01 12:00 Beginning in 2025, fire at noon UTC every July 1st.

Omitting the starting time will use the current time as the starting point. Unless specified, the default timezone is UTC. See Verifying Schedules below for ways you can experiment with different schedule strings.

Cron Format

For more fine-grained control, you may specify your schedule in a cron format:

[minute] [hour] [day] [month] [week]

For example, the schedule 30 * * may-aug mon-fri runs once per hour on the 30th minute, but only on weekdays in the months May through August. See APScheduler for additional documentation.

You may find it more readable to achieve similar results by combining fragments of cron schedules with interval schedules (e.g. daily and mon-fri). Read below to see what's possible:

Schedule Combinations

You may combine schedules with & (alias and) or | (alias or) logic. For example, the following example fires a job every 6 hours but only on weekdays in the summer months of 2024:

Joining multiple schedules

For the time being, & and | may not both be used within the same schedule. You may, however, join more than two schedules with the same logic (e.g. daily and mon-fri and 2024).

every 6 hours & mon-fri & jun-aug & 2024 starting 2024-06-03

# Equivalent cron schedule:
0 0,6,12,18 * jun-aug mon-fri

The cron version of the schedule is confusing, isn't it? Combining cron fragments with and produces a much more readable result.

If you combine overlapping schedules with &, only mutual timestamps are used:

# Equivalent to `weekly`:
daily and weekly

Combining with | will fire on the next earliest timestamp of any schedule:

# Fire at midnight and 2 PM every day (starts immediately):
daily or 0 14 * * * starting 00:00

# Equivalent cron-only schedule (starts tomorrow):
0 0,14 * * *


For your convenience, common aliases are mapped to keywords:

Keyword Aliases
& and
| or
- through, thru, - (with spaces)
starting beginning
Weekdays (mon, tue, etc.) Full names (e.g. Monday) and tues, thurs
Months (jan, etc.) Full names (e.g. January)

Verifying Schedules

You may verify your schedules with the command show schedule:

Add an integer to print more than 5 timestamps, e.g.:

show schedule 'daily' 10
mrsm show schedule 'daily and mon-fri starting May 2, 2024'

This command prints out a preview of the next fire times:

Next 5 timestamps for schedule 'daily and mon-fri starting May 2, 2024':

  2024-05-02 00:00:00+00:00
  2024-05-03 00:00:00+00:00
  2024-05-06 00:00:00+00:00
  2024-05-07 00:00:00+00:00
  2024-05-08 00:00:00+00:00
Schedules Python API

You may also parse your schedules with the function parse_schedule(), which returns an APScheduler Trigger.

from meerschaum.utils.schedule import parse_schedule
trigger = parse_schedule('daily starting 2024-01-01')
# datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
# datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 2, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

🪵 Logs

Monitor the status of jobs with show logs, which will follow the logs of running jobs.

mrsm show logs

You can attach to specific jobs by listing their names:

mrsm show logs awake_sushi my_job

You can get a plain printout by adding --nopretty:

mrsm show logs --nopretty